Students Reclaim CLICS Library

Monday morning of Finals Week, UCSD students reclaimed a long-revered study space – the Center for Library & Instructional Computing Services (CLICS) Library.  Closed in June 2011 thanks to $3M budget cut to the libraries, CLICS has stood empty for most of the school year.  But members of various student groups, including the Student Affirmative Action Committee, People’s Assembly, Co-op Union, the AS Office of External Affairs, and the UCSD Public Education Coalition, decided to take over the library this week and make it available 24/7 for students to study.

Unfortunately, word must have gotten out as the police were there before the students arrived. Undeterred, they negotiated with the administration and have been allowed to open and operate the library for the entire week.

Visiting CLICS around 4pm today, I saw over 75 students on two floors, studying individually or in groups in several of the small meeting rooms. Most were sitting on the floor as chairs were sparse.  Separate quiet study rooms, sleeping spaces and prayer spaces were set up, and snacks were being provided in the front. A list of community principles has been posted clearly at the library entrance, and student security (the women and men with red armbands) are on hand to help take care of any problems (when I was there, it was toilet problems).

Students are encouraging faculty and TAs to hold study sessions, office hours and even final exams at CLICS, as well as advertising its availability.  There are also asking that letters be written to the administration to support the action, and are looking for donations of food, money and … chairs.

The action has been publicized at several local news outlets.