Tag: faculty salaries

Einstein (brings in grant money!) vs Aristotle (what, no grant money?): which one would you hire (or fire)?

 by Ivan Evans, President, UCSD Faculty Association  Faculty at UC have long been painfully aware that their salaries lag behind pay scales at “comparable universities” across the country. And so UCOP came up with a remedy: the off-scale salary, which more than 2/3 of UC faculty now earn. The off-scale solution aims to retain faculty […]

Letter to EVCAA Subramani on Faculty Pay Raises: Strings Attached

In an email circulated on September 16, 2011, the Office of Academic Personnel notified the University that “non-exclusively represented, eligible academic employees” would be receiving a 3% across-the-board increase in their salaries, effective November 1.  While many of us welcome the relief from the frozen salary scale that has left faculty compensation well below our […]