We write to inform you that at UCOP’s request, the Academic Planning Council (APC) has convened a joint Senate-Administration workgroup focused on the possibility of a common systemwide calendar. You can see its charge, composition, and plans here. The workgroup aims to issue its report in Spring 2025. While the charge refers to a “common” […]
Important Systemwide Assembly meeting 1/17/2025
We wish to inform you of a special meeting of the systemwide Academic Senate General Assembly to be held TOMORROW, January 17, 2025, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM. The SDFA board encourages you to attend. You can register for the Zoom here and join the Zoom here. The systemwide Academic Senate Chair, Steve W. Cheung, has released […]
SDFA Suggests a Vote of NO confidence in Chancellor Khosla
The San Diego Faculty Association endorses the Senate resolution of No Confidence in Chancellor Pradeep Khosla. Our recommendation is guided by the belief that the Chancellor’s decision to call militarized police forces to disperse the student encampment and to arrest students and faculty was a dangerous and unnecessary escalation that endangered our health and safety […]
SDFA Statement on Student Protests
The San Diego Faculty Association and the undersigned faculty are shocked and outraged by UC San Diego’s decision to send riot police, including off-campus law enforcement, to arrest student protesters on May 6. Monday, on the first day of Justice in Palestine week, riot police arrested dozens of student protesters and medical personnel before any […]
Important Changes To Your Pension Plan 2024
Dear Colleagues, We write to inform you of changes to our pension plans. Sadly, at a time when our salaries stagnate or decline in real terms and our health benefit costs have sky-rocketed, our pension plans are now also being revised with very little warning or explanation of their ramifications. The changes have variable effects. […]