Category: Academic Senate

CUCFA signals opposition to all UC schools moving to a semester calendar

We write to inform you that at UCOP’s request, the Academic Planning Council (APC) has convened a joint Senate-Administration workgroup focused on the possibility of a common systemwide calendar. You can see its charge, composition, and plans here. The workgroup aims to issue its report in Spring 2025. While the charge refers to a “common” […]

A proposal for paid family leave to all who work at UC

The Council of UC Faculty Associations’ board has just signed on to a proposal to provide paid family leave to all who work at the University of California. Most working residents of California have access to financial support for pregnancy, bonding with a new child, and caring for a sick family member. The governor is […]

UC Faculty Association Letter re: Academic Advisory Committee for the Selection of a New UC President

Below is a copy of a letter The Council of UC Faculty Associations (CUCFA) sent to the chair and vice chair of the systemwide Academic Senate regarding the academic advisory committee for the selection of a new UC President. October 7, 2019 With President Napolitano’s announcement of her resignation, effective August 2020, it is vital […]

Letter to the Chair of the UCSD Academic Senate: UC Protests and Police Aggression

The following letter was sent by SDFA Chair Ivan Evans to the Chair of the UCSD Academic Senate, Prof. Joel Sobel, on Saturday, November 19th.  Prof. Dear Professor Sobel: As you are no doubt aware, police aggression in response to student protests has surged at several UCs this past week and there is growing concern that […]