Category: CUCFA

UC Faculty Association Letter re: Academic Advisory Committee for the Selection of a New UC President

Below is a copy of a letter The Council of UC Faculty Associations (CUCFA) sent to the chair and vice chair of the systemwide Academic Senate regarding the academic advisory committee for the selection of a new UC President. October 7, 2019 With President Napolitano’s announcement of her resignation, effective August 2020, it is vital […]

Faculty response to UC’s Contract with General Dynamics Information Technology

June 21, 2018 President Janet Napolitano University of California 1111 Franklin St., 12th Floor Oakland, CA 94607 Email: Dear President Napolitano, The Board of the Council of UC Faculty Associations applauds you for your forthright support for UC’s undocumented students, your lawsuit against the Trump administration’s rescission of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), […]

The $66 Fix: Restore quality and access while eliminating tuition PLUS Prop 98 K-12 funding

Below is the link to the updated version of the $48. fix: Reclaiming California’s MASTER PLAN for Higher Education that was produced by the Reclaim California Higher Education coalition, which includes the Council of University of California Faculty Associations and other organizations dedicated to affordable, accessible, and excellent public higher education in California. The Council of […]

The $48 fix: Reclaiming California’s Master Plan for Higher Education

On Thursday, January 26, the UC Regents will consider and likely approve their budget for the University for 2017-2018. It and the Governor’s budget, to which it is closely tied, perpetuate decades of failed privatization and persistent under funding of the University and of public higher education more generally. At UC and as compared to […]

Defense of Undocumented and other Vulnerable Categories of Students

The Council of UC Faculty Associations (CUCFA) sent the following letter to President Napolitano today.     Dear President Napolitano, We applaud your timely declaration in the immediate aftermath of the election that the UC administration “remain[s] absolutely committed to supporting all members of our community and adhering to UC’s Principles Against Intolerance.”[1] Like you, […]

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