On Thursday, January 26, the UC Regents will consider and likely approve their budget for the University for 2017-2018. It and the Governor’s budget, to which it is closely tied, perpetuate decades of failed privatization and persistent under funding of the University and of public higher education more generally. At UC and as compared to […]
Category: privatization
Albert Einstein on Collective Bargaining
Think collective action is outside the realm of science? Albert Einstein didn’t think so. In “Out of My Later Years” (most recent print by Grammercy, 1993), the Noble-prize winning physicist – and founding member of AFT Local 552 at Princeton in 1938 – devotes an entire chapter of this memoir to his thoughts on the […]
“Time for a Faculty Union”: The View from Oregon
This week, SDFA President Ivan Evans and Vice-President Luis Martin-Cabrera are heading up to Eugene to observe the current union card membership drive that is taking place at the University of Oregon (UO). Prof. Gordon Lafer (shown here) of UO’s Labor Education and Research Center has recently written up a faculty perspective on why UO faculty should unionize. His point: […]
UCSD at UCR: Protesting the January 19th UC Regents Meeting

Bright and early on the morning of January 19th, a contingent of 40 student and faculty representatives from UCSD boarded a bus provided by the SDFA and headed out to join the protest against the UC Regents meeting at UC Riverside. Profs. Ivan Evans and Luis Martin-Cabrera were there to represent the SDFA. Students were […]
UCSF Chancellor Susan Desmond-Hellmann, corporate privatizer and union buster, wants UCSF out of the UC system
On January 19th, UCSF Chancellor Susan Desmond-Hellmann floated a plan to the UC Regents to identify new funding sources for her campus. From the announcement: “UCSF Chancellor Susan Desmond-Hellmann, MD, MPH, proposed to the University of California Regents on Jan. 19 that a small working group be formed to help UCSF explore options to secure its financial future so […]