Category: statements

CUCFA signals opposition to all UC schools moving to a semester calendar

We write to inform you that at UCOP’s request, the Academic Planning Council (APC) has convened a joint Senate-Administration workgroup focused on the possibility of a common systemwide calendar. You can see its charge, composition, and plans here. The workgroup aims to issue its report in Spring 2025. While the charge refers to a “common” […]

Health Plan Costs: UC Union Coalition Follows Up with UCOP

We write to follow up on our message to you of October 31, 2023, in which the Council of UC Faculty Associations raised the alarm regarding the sudden, drastic increase in healthcare benefits costs to employees during Open Enrollment. 1600 faculty signed onto CUCFA’s October 30 letter protesting these increases, while an additional 400 faculty […]

Standing Against Violence of Police: UCSD Must Respond

The board of the San Diego Faculty Association (SDFA) stands with all UCSD workers and communities in San Diego who mourn the murder of George Floyd at the hands of police, the domestic arm of a global project of US militarism whose reach extends throughout the world. We recognize the UC system’s complicity in violence […]