Online learning push continues in California, but with approach faculty groups appreciate

Less Prescriptive in California Gov. Jerry Brown and State Sen. Darrell Steinberg, the Senate’s president, this year included a $50 million fund for “innovation” in the state’s budget. This has led to the development of a new awards program, one that will attract ideas for how to increase degree production significantly, allow more students to […]

UC Faculty Petition UC Administration To Negotiate in Good Faith with Student-Worker TA Union

The Santa Cruz Faculty Association (the SCFA, a sister chapter of the San Diego Faculty Association) invite ALL faculty — both Academic Senate members and AFT members — at ALL UC campuses to sign the petition at Here is the SCFA’s letter introducing the petition: Dear Colleagues, For many of us, our teaching assistants […]

UC Faculty in Support of Graduate Students

Dear SDFA colleagues: At the end of September, the current 3 year-contract of UAW 2865 representing UC Academic Student Employees (GSIs, readers and tutors) expired and ASEs are now working without a contract. UCOP Labor Relations and UAW 2865 have not yet reached an official “impasse.” But the Berkeley Faculty Association is concerned that UCOP’s […]

Open Letter to UC on the Nomination of Napolitano as President of UC

The Board of the San Diego Faculty Association (SDFA) is concerned about the nomination of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano as President of the University of California, as well as with the secretive manner in which the Regents of UC arrived at the nomination. Regrettably, the Regents have instructed Secretary Napolitano not to […]

Statement on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict by the Board of the SDFA

The San Diego Faculty Association (SDFA/AAUP) has no official position in regard to the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. We recognize that our membership is divided on this issue and that it is beyond the mission and the scope of the Association to articulate an official view. Therefore, the Board will not speak on behalf of its members […]

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