The week of protest and action will be hit a peak this Monday, March 5th, at a rally in Sacramento. Organized by Occupy Education California, a schedule of events is provided on their website. Among the protestors will be students from UCSD supported by the SDFA, as well as UC faculty from across California. UC Berkeley […]
Student Demands Have a March 8 Deadline
At the culmination of the March 1st rally and protest, the UCSD Public Education Coalition “initiated a civil, peaceful, and indefinite Reclamation of the UC San Diego Chancellor’s Complex”. They have cited six UCSD Institutional Demands and are demanding a response by March 8th: I. The permanent reopening of CLICS library and immediate moratorium on […]
“Time for a Faculty Union”: The View from Oregon
This week, SDFA President Ivan Evans and Vice-President Luis Martin-Cabrera are heading up to Eugene to observe the current union card membership drive that is taking place at the University of Oregon (UO). Prof. Gordon Lafer (shown here) of UO’s Labor Education and Research Center has recently written up a faculty perspective on why UO faculty should unionize. His point: […]
March 1st Walkout and Day of Action!
In solidarity with the international day of action for education happening worldwide, the Public Education Coalition of UCSD has called for a walkout and day of action for students and faculty. Student organizers are encouraging faculty to talk about the crisis in class and hold regular classes (teach-out) at the rally on the Library Walk. […]
Post-“Compton Cookout” UCSD: Jorge Mariscal reflects on what has (not) changed
The following is reproduced from the UCSD Guardian: Two Years Later, UCSD Still Has Much to Learn from Student Struggles By Jorge Mariscal Department of Literature “No great victories are won in a war for transformation…without total participation. Less than this will not create a new society; it will only evoke more sophisticated token amelioration,” […]