The UCSD Faculty Association endorses the UCSD Green New Deal’s petition to ask Chancellor Khosla to commit to campus electrification by 2030. This UCSD-specific petition, run by students, faculty, and staff, follows last year’s UC-wide Academic Senate Fossil Fuel Memorial that calls on the Regents to reduce on-campus fossil fuel combustion 60% by 2030 and […]
SDFA supports a letter, shared below, which marks the start of a campaign against UCOP’s measures to impose the costs of UAW-ratified contracts on the already strained finances of departments, research centers, libraries and faculty. Please sign and circulate widely. Department, program, and institute sign-ons are welcome. If you are interested in getting involved in this […]
Faculty Attestation Forms and Grading Support
UC Administration is starting to send attestation forms to various campuses demanding faculty report whether or not they withheld labor during the strike and for how long. The Council of UC Faculty Associations (CUCFA) has sent a cease and desist letter to UC Labor Relations demanding its immediate rescission and disavowal. (see below). As this […]
Faculty rights and responsibilities during a UAW strike
On November 14, tens of thousands of academic workers represented by UAW 2865 (the Union of Academic Student Employees at UC), UAW 5810 (Postdocs and Academic Researchers), and SRU-UAW (Student Researchers) will begin striking to resolve Unfair Labor Practices (ULPs). 98% of 36,558 union members cast YES votes authorizing the UAW to call a multi-unit […]
Ethnic Studies Statement
The UC San Diego Faculty Association joins the UC Ethnic Studies Faculty Council in urging you to support the UC A-G ethnic studies requirement (subject requirement for admission to the UC system), which the campus has already endorsed. We share their concern about a disturbing, recent development that suggests political interference into faculty rights to […]