This checklist was compiled by our colleagues at the UC-AFT to provide TT faculty with concrete ways to support NTT faculty in your departments and writing programs. A pdf copy can be accessed here. What Can I Do to Support Lecturers in My Department/Unit? Departmental Checklist: Familiarize yourself with the current Unit 18 Lecturer […]
BSU Letter on No-Fault Finals
Please see this letter from the BSU urging faculty to exercise their authority to provide no-fault finals for winter 2020. The SDFA board endorses this position.BSU_Letter
UCSD Must Disclose Use of Force and Fulfill Obligations Under Public Records Act
The UC Faculty San Diego Association calls on the Systemwide Academic Senate and the UC San Diego Division Senate in the spirit of shared government and responsibility to the California public. On May 12, 2020, Voice of San Diego reported “UC Campuses Have Disclosed Virtually No Records Under Police Transparency Law.” We encourage you to […]
Austerity, Inequality, and the COVID Crisis: A Faculty Town Hall
Austerity, Inequality, and the COVID Crisis: A Faculty Town Hall Monday, June 8th 4-5:30 pm Sponsored by the San Diego Faculty Association The pandemic has impacted every aspect of our working lives: teaching, childcare, research, and more. It has brought existing structural inequality and precarity into sharp relief in our classrooms, departments, and communities. […]
Standing Against Violence of Police: UCSD Must Respond
The board of the San Diego Faculty Association (SDFA) stands with all UCSD workers and communities in San Diego who mourn the murder of George Floyd at the hands of police, the domestic arm of a global project of US militarism whose reach extends throughout the world. We recognize the UC system’s complicity in violence […]