On November 28th, the UC Berkeley Academic Senate, meeting after a string of clashes between nonviolent protestors and campus police, adopted a resolution to condemn UC Berkeley Chancellor Robert Birgeneau for his handling of the situation, and called for a more coherent and humane policy for dealing with nonviolent student protest.
Tag: UC Berkeley
Academic Council Speaks out over Police Actions at Berkeley, Davis
The UC Academic Council sent a pointed letter to UC President Yudof on Nov. 20th, emphasizing their outrage at police abuse, the responsibility of the Chancellors in these actions, and the divestment of education support as an ultimate cause for student unrest. MARK G. YUDOF PRESIDENT, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Dear Mark: The Academic Council met […]
Letter to the Chair of the UCSD Academic Senate: UC Protests and Police Aggression
The following letter was sent by SDFA Chair Ivan Evans to the Chair of the UCSD Academic Senate, Prof. Joel Sobel, on Saturday, November 19th. Prof. Dear Professor Sobel: As you are no doubt aware, police aggression in response to student protests has surged at several UCs this past week and there is growing concern that […]
AAUP Statement in Support of Free Expression in the University of California
On Sunday, November 20th, the national Council of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) passed the following resolution in response to police actions at UC Berkeley and Davis. On November 9, police officers dispatched by the administration of the University of California, Berkeley violently assaulted students and faculty who were peacefully protesting. The assaults […]
UC Berkeley Faculty Petition
UC Berkeley faculty have sent an open letter of petition to Chancellor Birgenau in response to violence in the previous week’s protest. The petition, linked here and reproduced below, has been signed by over 60 members of the UC Berkeley faculty.