Author: SDFA Staff

Health Plan Costs: UC Union Coalition Follows Up with UCOP

We write to follow up on our message to you of October 31, 2023, in which the Council of UC Faculty Associations raised the alarm regarding the sudden, drastic increase in healthcare benefits costs to employees during Open Enrollment. 1600 faculty signed onto CUCFA’s October 30 letter protesting these increases, while an additional 400 faculty […]

CUCFA Letter on Academic Freedom

Dear Colleagues, The San Diego Faculty Association (SDFA) fully supports the statement from the UC-wide Council of Faculty Associations (CUCFA) linked here, about the urgency of defending academic freedom and the free speech rights of instructional faculty and students to express support for the Palestinian people and/or criticize the actions of the Israeli government. We […]

Sign our letter objecting to unreasonable increases in health benefit costs

On October 26th, every UC employee received an Open Enrollment notice with new rates for healthcare benefits. The increases in the employee health benefits share are unprecedented and alarming. Costs for healthcare benefits will be going up between 15% and 193% per month, depending on one’s plan and coverage. For example, if you currently pay […]

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